Our constitution
Independent Higher Education (IHE) is legally constituted as a private, not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, which is incorporated in England and registered with Companies House (number 06710925).
IHE's formal constitution is established in our Articles of Association, which are held by Companies House and are also available to download below in PDF format. This document sets out our Objects (the purpose of the company) and the high-level rules by which we are governed, including those relating to membership, the composition and appointment of the Board, and the powers reserved to the members themselves and those which can be delegated.
Our governance framework
As a formal representative body and membership organisation, we are governed by and for our members. IHE's member institutions collectively 'own' the company and form the supreme decision-making body, meeting at least once per year at our Annual General Meeting to receive the statutory accounts and other reports, and elect the IHE Board.
IHE’s strategic priorities, financial controls and operational effectiveness are all overseen by our experienced Board of Directors, the majority of whom are themselves senior leaders of IHE member institutions and are formally elected by their fellow members. Responsibility for most business decisions during the course of the year is delegated to the IHE Board, including the approval of the strategic plan, annual budget and internal (organisational) policy, as well as the monitoring of performance and progress.
The Board delegates some of its work to one of two committees: the Finance and Resources Committee; and the Governance and Nominations Committee. These two committees and our Student Advisory Board (SAB) each have a specific remit to guide and advise the Board and our executive team.
Day-to-day operations, including the implementation of the strategic plan, the financial management of the business, and administration of the policy development process are delegated to the Chief Executive and the Senior Management Team.