APPG for International Students

IHE acts as the secretariat for the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for International Students, which provides a focal point for political activity and industry cooperation on the important issue of international education and students in the UK.

In 2016 we worked with the first Co-Chairs Lord Bilimoria and Paul Blomfield MP to establish the APPG for International Student in the UK Parliament in Westminster. Since then, the group has gone from strength to strength with IHE as its secretariat and an ever-growing membership of MPs and Peers.

The APPG's 2018 Inquiry and Report on A Sustainable Future for International Education in the UK was comprehensive and well received in the education sector and across the political spectrum, and it proved influential in the development and publication the following year of the UK Government's International Education Strategy.

In 2023 we supported the APPG's second inquiry into the effectiveness of the Graduate Visa two years since the launch of the route. The inquiry report makes 10 recommendations, including the steps necessary to ensure its continued success.

Purpose of the APPG:

  • To recognise the internationalisation and global prominence of UK education
  • To promote the value of international students to UK education, economy and ‘soft power’
  • To raise awareness of issues which affect international students and UK education
  • To provide a platform for collaboration between parliamentarians, international education institutions and professionals and business leaders.

APPG website

For more information about the APPG for International Students and its current activities, visit its dedicated website.

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