Research, policy and influence

As the voice of independent higher education we represent our members on the issues which matter most to them, helping policy makers to understand the impact of their decisions on our sector, including on small, specialist and emerging institutions.

Although small, we have always punched above our weight in terms of the impact that we have had on policymaking in Westminster, across the sector and within regulatory bodies.

Our expert team of policy professionals meet regularly with government officials, regulators, sector bodies and others to ensure that the perspectives and experences of independent providers are understood and taken into account on issues large and small, and that the interests of our members and their students are protected as far as possible.

Advocacy and advice form the twin pillars of our policy work. We advocate externally for policies to be designed and implemented in a way which helps our members to thrive, while we deliver high-quality advice internally to our membership on how best to plan ahead and respond to new policies while complying with all applicable regulations.

On the most significant and complex areas of policy, we also establish longer-term projects to conduct research into the issues, bring in external stakeholders to consider the full range of perspectives, and report publicly on our findings – often alongside detailed recommendations for government and guidance for members.

Our responses to public policy consultations can be found on our Publications page.


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