The world today is not how anyone imagined it would be. While the UK has found itself in times of change and uncertainty for over five years now, nothing could have prepared us for how much and how quickly the contours of our lives could shift in response to a global health emergency. Against this strange backdrop, one might be forgiven for finding futility in the plans and strategies of men and women. But it also provides the perfect opportunity to reconsider what is important, to challenge our own assumptions, and revisit our first principles.
While as individuals we cannot control the world around us, and even societies struggle to match the power of nature untamed, there will be things that we care about that can continue to give meaning to our lives. Education is perhaps the central pillar of civilisation, and an educated people will be more resilient and more able to respond to whatever the fates throw their way. In our small way, Independent Higher Education aspires to be a positive force in promoting education for everyone, and in expressing the values we wish to see reflected in the world.
Alexander Proudfoot
Chief Executive
Dr Roxanne Stockwell
October 2021