International Business College Manchester

Established in 2010, International Business College IBCM is an accredited specialist provider of Business and Engineering qualifications.  As such, we are committed to delivering academic excellence and providing qualifications to provide a foundation for students success in their future careers.  IBCM provides a full range of qualifications from International Foundation Diploma (L3 ) through to Post-Graduate Diploma (L7) and operate from campus in Manchester and London.

We provide a wide range of business disciplines including finance, marketing, hospitality and operations; to provide a comprehensive range of career pathways for graduates. Programmes allow graduates to integrate professional training qualifications, including Leadership & Management and Health & Safety; these are designed to complement the formal qualification and provide skills desirable by industry

Within the engineering faculty; we provide a range of disciplines; including Petroleum engineering , Mechanical and Electrical & Electronic Engineering. These programmes also allow the integration of professional training qualifications, including Leadership & Management and Health & Safety to enhance employment prospects.

IBCM is also leader in the provision of sports plus education programmes, in partnership with our sister- organisation; Choices International.  Our London centre provides the base for a unique professional soccer plus Higher Education programme - in partnership with West Ham United - a leading UK Premiership team.

Our delivery model is based on both classroom delivery and online -delivery. Classes are supplemented by strong tutorial support and progress-tracking to ensure that interim targets are achieved and overall individual goals are met. A key strength is the personal relation with tutors and individualised support.