Response to HESA consultation on the 24056 Student record

In July 2024, HESA consulted on four specific proposals for changes to the student record. The consultation asked about preferences on the four proposals, the impact they would have on provider burden, and the implications of the proposed timescale (2024/25 implementation). 

These proposals were developed following feedback HESA received on the 22056 data specification in the student record post implementation consultation to which IHE responded in February 2024. 

The consultation ran from 6 June 2024 to 5 July 2024. 

Our response

In our response we welcomed the efforts of HESA to address the feedback raised in the earlier consultation, and their intention to reduce burden for providers. We did note, however, that the proposals do not fully address the issues we have previously raised.

A key theme across our response is the need to ensure that proposed changes meet the needs of all providers - especially those operating outside of traditional academic years or with flexible provision – and are future proof.  The implementation of the Lifelong Learning Entitlement (LLE) and expansion of modular delivery will only increase the frequency of complex models and flexible study options for students. We also urged HESA to consider how requirements will change when in-year data collection comes into effect, and to plan for this now. 

We noted that any change to requirements creates burden for providers to implement, requiring training and sometimes changes to systems and processes. We called for HESA to be forward-looking and critical in its approach to avoid unnecessary and burdensome frequency of change. 

Other points we raised in our response include: 

  • Welcoming the removal of SessionYear and recognition of the feedback IHE has previously provided that its purpose and benefits are not clear, and that it has caused challenges for those with non-traditional academic years. 
  • Supporting the proposal to move to only returning cumulating StudentCourseSession entities in the reference period they span, noting that this is a more future-looking approach. 
  • Suggesting that the proposal for ModuleInstance changes go further and remove the requirement to enter dates, replacing this with credit gained. 
  • Noting that the return of previous StudentCourseSessions to report dormancy is more burdensome, and particularly challenging where students are not dormant for a full year.
  • Highlighting that timelines for change need to take into account implications for both higher education providers and software providers, and that HESA should consider the longest possible timeline for changes which may result in the need for software modifications. 

Read our full response using the download link below. 

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