The skills gained as a student representative are very useful both inside and outside of the role.
Delivered by IHE Partner Coole Insight, in this session we will seek to articulate the ways in which those skills are important for creating educational change, and for lobbying and influencing on a national level - by engaging with MPs, ministers, and other government personnel.
The session will focus on skills transferability, and how what is learned in a representative role can put students in a great position for future employment opportunities.
Working in breakout groups, students will learn how to translate their personal skills and experience into employer-friendly language.
The key takeaways will be:
- a clear understanding of the skills gained as a student representative
- an understanding of lobbying, and how this can help in other contexts
- new material to add to a CV.
Booking information
This training session is for students only. It is free to all members of the IHE Student Advisory Board (SAB).
Non-SAB students based at IHE member institutions may also participate in the training.
If you have a query about booking for this event, please email: [email protected]