OfS information session on Wave 3 degree apprenticeship funding

Join us for an information session with the OfS to find out more about Wave 3 degree apprenticeship funding.

The bidding process opens in May for the third round of the OfS’s £14million investment in degree apprenticeship funding This round is aimed at developing new provision by building the capacity of institutions to deliver apprenticeships. It presents an opportunity for those who would like to be able to offer them, but do not currently have the resource to do the developmental work required. Funding could be used for recruiting and training staff, developing proposals, engagement or collaborative activity with employers or HE partners, or targeted recruitment and marketing activity. You can apply in collaboration with a university partner, or independently as the lead provider if your institution is registered in the Approved (fee cap) category. You can take a look at the providers and projects allocated funding in Wave 2 on the OfS website.

At this session the OfS will provide an overview of the funding and bidding process, and you will have opportunity to ask your questions.

Booking information:

This is a session for Independent Higher Education members only.

To book your ticket please click 'Registration link' and enter your institution's membership number when prompted to ENTER CODE. You will then be sent a confirmation email.

If you need any help finding your membership number or have further queries, please email: [email protected].


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