Chaired by Ben Norris, Vice Principal at Futureworks and Elizabeth Miller, Deputy Dean at Met Film School, the Access and Participation network will support independent HE providers and their staff who have an interest in Widening Participation, Outreach and Access.
Hosted by Conde Nast at 31 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3EE, attendees are welcome to join the networking lunch from 13:00-14:00. You are also invited to register to attend the meeting of Marketing and Recruitment Network, taking place at the same location, 11:00-13:00.
The network will share practice and promote collaboration for all those who have or intend to submit an Access and Participation Plan to the Office for Students, as well as those with a wider interest and activity which is not part of a regulated plan.
Booking information:
IHE Networks are for Independent Higher Education members only. To book your ticket please click on the registration link above and enter your institution's membership number when prompted to ENTER CODE. You will then be sent a confirmation email.
If you need any help finding your membership number or have further queries, please email: [email protected]