Since our launch in 2016 and our first strategy in 2018, IHE has grown in size, stature and influence, with over 70 institutions now comprising the most diverse membership of any higher education representative body, and a seat at the table whenever government or its regulatory bodies consider the issues of importance to higher education providers and their students.

The majority of IHE members in England are now formally regulated by the new independent regulator for higher education, the Office for Students. We welcome the steady maturing of a principles-based regulatory framework which focuses on the quality of education provided and the outcomes achieved by students, irrespective of the provider’s history or corporate form.

A framework which gives students and the public the confidence that their investment in education is safe, but still encourages diversity, distinction and innovation, is one in which independent providers can thrive. It relies upon trust, and autonomy earned through voluntary enhancement, so our first priority is to continue to build this confidence in IHE and our members through a focus on governance, transparency and the active promotion of good practice.

We will:

strengthen the effective governance and management of independent providers, by

  • promoting the IHE Code of Governance to our members and new providers
  • developing detailed practical guidance to support widespread adoption of the Code
  • providing better access to high-quality training, consultancy and advice on governance and management challenges

enhance the transparency and accountability of IHE to its members and the public, by

  • completing the final stage of our constitutional review and issuing a summary report
  • publishing a comprehensive governance framework, including a Handbook with our  rules and an accessible guide to the rights and responsibilities of membership
  • publishing an Annual Report from 2022 on our finances, activities and impact

maximise the impact and influence of our work, and the recognition of our members, by

  • growing public support for IHE members with a strategic communications campaign
  • taking a strategic approach to our data and evidence gathering and the stories we tell
  • making more clear the links between our core values, our policy goals and our services

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