Assessing English language: Focus Group

In August government announced they would be reviewing existing English-language requirements to support more robust student recruitment. The Home Office is currently conducing their own research into the current models for assessing English-language as well as the levels required. BUILA are coordinating sector research to identify best practice in assessing English-language for those providers who are eligible to do so without a Secure English Language Test (SELT). IHE members who are Student Sponsors with an immigration Track Record are asked to attend this focus group to share their models for assessing English-language and discuss options for the HE sector to present to government for a more consistent model across the HE sector.

IHE members who are eligible to assess their own English-language are strongly encouraged to attend and feed-in their experiences and perspectives on assessing English-language regardless of the size or shape of their international student population. It is vital we feed into this research and do so with the diversity that is the hallmark of IHE.

Booking information:

By invitation only.

If you would like to attend this Roundtable, please email: [email protected]

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